
DexterPluginService — Service descriptors for identifying and using Libdexter services


#include <dexterplugin.h>

enum                DexterPluginServiceError;


DexterPluginService * dexterplugin_service_new          (GType type,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *blurb,
                                                         const gchar *uuid);
DexterPluginService * dexterplugin_service_dup          (const DexterPluginService *service);
void                dexterplugin_service_copy           (DexterPluginService *dest,
                                                         const DexterPluginService *source);
void                dexterplugin_service_free           (DexterPluginService *service);
DexterPluginServiceGroup * dexterplugin_service_group_new
                                                        (guint n_services);
void                dexterplugin_service_group_free     (DexterPluginServiceGroup *service_group);
gboolean            dexterplugin_service_group_find_uuid
                                                        (DexterPluginService **service,
                                                         DexterPluginServiceGroup *service_group,
                                                         const gchar *uuid);


Service descriptors provide identification information for Libdexter services. Collections of service descriptors are delivered to the user by Service Brokers as service groups. Each descriptor contains a universally unique identifier (uuid) to distinquish it from all other services. During service registration, each service is assigned a GType by the GTypeModule system. That type is used by GLib/GObject to instantiate objects implementing the service.

Note that the service GType is dynamic in nature and will vary. Do not use it to identify services. Use the uuid instead.



#define DEXTERPLUGIN_SERVICE_ERROR dexterplugin_service_error_quark()

The error domain of the libdexterplugin service subsystem.

enum DexterPluginServiceError

typedef enum {
} DexterPluginServiceError;

Error codes for DexterPluginService operations.


general failure.


typedef struct {
  GType       type;
  gchar      *name;
  gchar      *blurb;
  gchar      *uuid;
} DexterPluginService;

A plugin service descriptor.

GType type;

service type assigned during service registration.

gchar *name;

name of the service.

gchar *blurb;

description of the service.

gchar *uuid;

univerally unique identifier of the service.


typedef struct {
  guint                n_services;
  DexterPluginService *services;
} DexterPluginServiceGroup;

A collection of plugin service descriptors.

guint n_services;

number of services in the group.

DexterPluginService *services;

service array of size n_services.

dexterplugin_service_new ()

DexterPluginService * dexterplugin_service_new          (GType type,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *blurb,
                                                         const gchar *uuid);

Creates a new service descriptor. It must be freed with dexterplugin_service_free().

type :

service type.

name :

service name.

blurb :

service description.

uuid :

service uuid (univerally unique identifier).

Returns :

DexterPluginService service descriptor.

dexterplugin_service_dup ()

DexterPluginService * dexterplugin_service_dup          (const DexterPluginService *service);

Creates a duplicate of a service descriptor. It must be freed with dexterplugin_service_free().

service :

DexterPluginService to duplicate.

Returns :

DexterPluginService service descriptor.

dexterplugin_service_copy ()

void                dexterplugin_service_copy           (DexterPluginService *dest,
                                                         const DexterPluginService *source);

Copies a service descriptor. Existing data on the destination descriptor will be freed prior to the copy.

dest :

destination address of a DexterPluginService.

source :

source address of a DexterPluginService.

dexterplugin_service_free ()

void                dexterplugin_service_free           (DexterPluginService *service);

Frees a service descriptor.

service :

address of a DexterPluginService service descriptor.

dexterplugin_service_group_new ()

DexterPluginServiceGroup * dexterplugin_service_group_new
                                                        (guint n_services);

Allocates a DexterPluginServiceGroup with a DexterPluginService array of size n_services. The elements of the contained DexterPluginService array must be populated, e.g. with dexterplugin_service_copy(). The service group should be freed with dexterplugin_service_group_free(). Plugin writers should always use this api for allocation of service groups.

n_services :

size of contained DexterPluginService array.

Returns :

DexterPluginServiceGroup service group.

Since 0.1.4

dexterplugin_service_group_free ()

void                dexterplugin_service_group_free     (DexterPluginServiceGroup *service_group);

Frees a service group created with dexterplugin_service_group_new().

service_group :

DexterPluginServiceGroup collection of service descriptors.

dexterplugin_service_group_find_uuid ()

gboolean            dexterplugin_service_group_find_uuid
                                                        (DexterPluginService **service,
                                                         DexterPluginServiceGroup *service_group,
                                                         const gchar *uuid);

Finds a service by uuid in the service_group. If found, the service pointer will be set to point into the service_group->services array.

service :

address of a pointer to a DexterPluginService service descriptor.

service_group :

DexterPluginServiceGroup collection of service descriptors.

uuid :

uuid of service to find.

Returns :

gboolean indicating if the service was found or not.